IPR 2022

  • Dr. Ritu Shrivastava, Dr. Amit Shrivastava, Dr. Kapil Chaturvedi, and Dr. Vijay Bhandari was published a copyright on “Secure Image Transmission System” with Reg. No. L-11-4596/2022 on Feb 2022.
  • Mr. Brij Mohan Sharma, published an Patent A stroke Detection Using Digital Image Processing and Deep Learning Embedded with computed Tomography, Application No. 202221025642, May 2022
  • Dr. Jay Kumar Jain and his team,  registered a design patent Intellectual Property Rights India, on “Garbage Collector”,  Application No. 346516-001 in 2022.

IPR 2021

  • - Ms. Harshita Jain published an Innovation patent, Smart Industrial Manufacturing using Low Power wide Connectivity - IOT based Ingenu Machine to Machine, published an Innovation Design patent on Feb 2021.
  • - Ms. Prachi Sharma, published an Innovation patent, A computer implemented method and system for detecting human touch using body mounted camera to minimize covid spread using machine learning.  Application no 2021104849 on Aug 2021.

IPR 2020

  • - Ruchi Dronawat, Ms. Komal Tahiliani, Anjana Nigam, Mr. Mayank Namdeo, published a Innovation Design patent, A Method and system for Diagnosis of Medical condition of Coronavirus infected patient using Neural Network, Application No-202011047697 on 12-04-2020.
  • - Dr. Ritu Shrivastava, Prof Rupali Chourey published a Design patent “Title Design for six Legged Spider BOT using Klann Mechanism” on 28-08-2020.
  • - Dr. Rajesh Shukla, Ms.  Ruchi Dronawat, Dr Deepshikha Patel, Mr. Arun Jhapate,  Mr.  Ankur Pandey published a Design patent “Method for Monitoring Computing Devices of users for controlling movements to reduce spread of COVID - 19Pandemic”, Application No-202021027375 on 31-07-2020.
  • - Dr. Ritu Shrivastava, Mr.  Gulshan Meena, Dr.Rakesh Patel, Mr. Neeraj Nagayach submitted a Design patent, “Nail Debris Collector nail cutting Equipment.” Application No-333570-001 on 24-09-2020.
  • - Dr. Ritu Shrivastava, Dr. Amit shrivastava, Mr. Ankur Pandey, Ms. Aditi Purohit, submitted a Design patent, “A system and method for Disaster management using flying Ad-Hoc Network” Application No-2020102992, on 24-10-2020.

IPR 2019

  • - Mr. Mohit singh Tomar published a Design patent Title “Portable Device to real time convert the voice to SIGN Language”, Application No-201920131623 on 27-10-2019.

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